Are dogs the masters in some alternate universe? If that alternate universe is Rachael Ray's house, then yes. The talk show host readily admits she's at the mercy of her pit bull, Isaboo.
"She really has the run of the house," Ray tells PEOPLE Pets of her beloved pooch.
And is it any surprise? Isaboo's realm includes the kitchen.
"I make a dog-friendly version of almost everything that we make for dinner, so she gets a lot of home-cooked food," says the celebrity chef. "She likes barley or orzo with chicken stock, carrots and parsley. She likes parsley a lot."
The beloved pooch extends her rule all the way to the bed – the one inhabited by humans.
"We have a queen-size bed and the dog sleeps in the middle," Ray says. "[My husband] John and I are sort of these little quotation marks on either corner.
"Isaboo starts out under [the covers], she gets too hot, then she comes back over," she adds. "We haven't slept well in six years."
In more ways than one, Isaboo's adorable takeover makes her seem like she could be one of Ray's offspring. She even watches animated movies.
"She has a mad crush on John Travolta in Bolt," Ray says. "You put Bolt on and she just stares at the television. She loves every moment of it. It's her hidden pleasure."
Still, there's one line that Ray refuses to let Isaboo cross. "She eats out of a dog bowl," Ray assures. "We're not insane!"
By Megan O'Neill,,20500958,00.html
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» Rachael Ray 'Hasn't Slept Well in Years' – Thanks to Her Dog
Rachael Ray 'Hasn't Slept Well in Years' – Thanks to Her Dog
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