In Dog We Trust5 reasons why dogs truly are man's best friend.Kamerion Wimbley is an NFL defensive end and former first-round draft pick who uses his 6'4", 255-pound frame to manhunt any quarterback lining up against the Tennessee Titans.…Read More
Kevin Bacon Takes a Synchronized Dive with Pet Pit Bull LilyWhen it comes to Kevin Bacon and his dog in the water, there are no degrees of separation: In this adorable video on PawNation, Bacon and his pet pit bull Lily show off their synchronized diving-board skills. In the vi…Read More
Deaf Pit Bull Performs Shakespeare, is Saved From EuthanasiaThis summer's Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival has produced an unlikely star: a deaf pit bull named Michael who narrowly escaped euthanasia.The 6-year-old American Staffordshire terrier has turned out to be a hoot in his role …Read More