Media Matters: Getting Pit Bulls Adopted

By Laura Petrolino, VP of Operations (Reprinted from

The pit bull community is very blessed to have many passionate people and organizations filling all sorts of roles. From rescue to advocacy, pit bull lovers are out there making strides across multiple fronts. As all of you know, StubbyDog is a communications organization, our role in this quilt of advocates is to work on messaging, presentation, and really making sure that the story of the pit bull (the real one, not the media hype) gets out there to the general public.

One way where this work has continued to show a strong impact is through our very successful Rescue Dog of the Week program. Much of that is a result of the way we present the wonderful dogs that are up for adoption.

As a result we put together the following set of “Media Matters” guidelines for rescues, shelters and foster parents. We are very excited to unveil these to our community and hope you both enjoy them and find them useful! Please share with a shelter or rescue near you who could use some help with presenting their pit bull adoptees in a better light.

Special thanks to Jessica Dolce for putting these together and Aleksandra Gajdeczka for her special insight on the photography guidelines.

Media Matters For Shelters and Rescues: Creating Adopt-a-Bulls

Media Matters For Shelters and Rescues: Share Your Dogs with the World

Media Matters For Shelters and Rescues: Capturing the Perfect Pit Bull Photograph

Media Matters For Shelters and Rescues: Make them Movie Stars!

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