Relax and Enjoy

That is my goal for this week(end). I need to learn to be more go-with-the-flow. I know it’s supposed to be about the journey. For me? Not so much. I am more concerned with wrapping things up. Getting things done. Haven’t even left yet, worrying about what I have to do when I get home. That part of my personality makes me good at what I do for a living. Makes vacationing something of a pain in the ass. Not really into stopping and smelling the roses. If you need roses, though? I will get them to you, early, packaged and arranged just as you requested.

It’s weird. I don’t really care about the trial. Not worried about courses or Q’ing or placing or whatever other award thingies they dole out. I am worried about forgetting something. Stuck in the details. There is only one thing I could forget that would cause a major problem and that is Bella. No way I would leave the house without her, so what’s to fret about? I haven’t been up that way since I was a kid, but I’m pretty sure they sell fruit and toothpaste in Washington.

Someone is all relaxed and ready to go

The other one, though?

She heard she’s not running and may possibly have to be on leash most of the week.

We’ll find something for Auxiliary Dog to do. It may or may not involve a ball.
Not making any promises.

I know I didn’t forget the chuck-it. Has a permanent spot in the car.

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