Raising Rue - My Speech at GDB GraduationBy: Amber MayMy experience raising Rue was enlightening to say the least. From the first day I picked her up here at GDB her instinct has always been to listen and watch. My little Rue was never the most outgoing puppy in our…Read More
Making a PACTTBy Jim PriceMonths of planning, organizing, training and coordination came together recently at the launch of a new therapy dog program for GDB career change dogs in the Portland, Ore., area. Known as PACTT (Portland Area Can…Read More
Grateful: A Walk with LavaBy: Marlene Dunaway, GDB GraduateIt is 7:00 AM in the morning. I know because my internal alarm clock insists that I open my eyes. The news says the weather will be sunny and warm, and I think to myself, “Yes, let’s take a wa…Read More
Breeder's Digest for September 2013Breeder’s DigestSeptember 2013 Litter AnnouncementsLabrador Retrievers9/8/13 Shane x Catina: 3 males, 5 females; litter letter N9/9/13 William x Suzanne: 4 males, 4 females; litter letter P9/13/13 Brutus x Disney: 1 male…Read More
Alumni Connections: Reach for the Stars Scholarship By: Samantha Adams“They walk among us.” This is a phrase usually associated with those silly e-mail messages my family sends announcing the Darwin awards for the year. Customarily, this phrase is somewhat derogatory…Read More