Newshounds: Guide Dogs for the Blind in the News!ESPN Story: GDB Grad Jake Olson Makes High School Football Team - Dog Prudy Returns Home - http://www.buff…Read More
100 years of breed improvement - the real storyThe world and his mother has forwarded to me the above article from yesterday's Daily Mail (see the whole thing here). It's a steal from this post in July by blogger Mus Musculus, which features the following comparisons betw…Read More
Winter is here And, yes, I know we live in California. And, yes, I know we have no right to complain about “cold.” 27°F, though? That’s a complain-able temp even for here. Of course, that’s only at 6 AM. Sure. It’ll be 50-someth…Read More
La Grande Meute - the staghounds of FontainebleauThe forest of Fontainebleu lies 60km south east of Paris and encompasses 110 square miles. Once a royal hunting preserve, it is now a national park.There has been a hunt here since the twelfth century.Beautiful dogs. Beautifu…Read More