She's aging

Look at the gray ears! 


Now, of course the white on the tip of her left ear had always been, but the right? When did that start getting white? And all the hair on the inside? I think the problem with Kate is that she is not so much graying as just fading. She is starting to get really light in the areas where her color meets the white. She’s blending. Also, spending a little more time enjoying the small things. Not just ball-type small things. 



The photo below is just so Kate. She really wants to do what you want, but there are always limits. In this case, Kate’s complete lack of bendable anything. She also doesn’t really adapt. See, if Bella couldn’t reach with her prominent leg, she would have tried using the other one. Kate? No. I asked them to touch each other. To Kate that means touch something with your left foot. Not her problem is it is not in range. :) Had Bella been on her other side, it would have worked. 


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