Happy Halloween!
Halloween, Holiday photos, photo shoot
Happy Halloween everyone!
I hope you all have a fun, exciting and safe night!
Here are some photos I took for our Halloween photo shoot! I hope you like them!
...and we can't have Halloween without a cat! Even Pandora got in on the fun!
Are you doing anything for Halloween?
Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds List In The World Summary: You can’t judge a person by his / her appearance and over all looks. Same is t...
Family Watch Dog Do you want a family watch dog? Or a good guard dog for your family protection? Guard dogs are a best option for this purpo...
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Source And here's dad, Bentley. Source Although some Bulldogs can mate naturally, the majority of breedings are done by artificial insem...
I've featured some exaggerated Indian-bred dogs in the past here ( Pedigree Dogs Exposed India anyone? )and it has provoked outraged com...
1915 This is what a Bull Terrier looked like 100 years ago - a fit and functional, well-balanced and in-proportion dog. Note in particular t...