New pocket toy

I have not had a regular ol' point and shoot in years. Trouble is that when I travel, unless it is a dog trip, I rarely take a camera. Too bulky, too heavy, not worth the risk or loss or damage or theft. I really hate cell phone pics. They are ugly and useless unless you are simply gathering info like photographing course maps or licence plates you may need to pass on to the police. :)

I have a few upcoming jaunts that warranted (ahem) a new "little guy."

I settled on the Fujifilm X20. It is not the newest rendition of this line, but it was half the cost of the newer version. If you get into spending 4 digits it kinda defeats the purpose, right?

It is very strange holding a camera this small. The footprint of my phone is larger and it makes me feel like I have big man hands. I do not.

Looks like the pic quality is pretty good, too. Neither dog wanted to pose much. Evening sun a bit strong today. She's not moody, just squinty.


I highly doubt it will replace either "big guy" at this point, but it will be fun to put it through its paces. I think it will work out smashingly for toursity shots.

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