
When do you stop calling a marsh a marsh?

 How long does the "wet" need not be a part of the wetland equation? 

 This is the Main Marsh at Coyote Hills RP in Fremont. The last photos I have of it with water in it at this end were taken in Feb of 2013.

  Main Marsh from Muskrat Trail 

A little closer. So sad. And a bit frightening.

  Main Marsh from Bayview Trail 

I’m not generally a doom and gloom kinda gal, but thing just sort of suck for California right now. 

They really suck if you are a collie-type forced to pose in from of a big rock. 

Top of Muskrat Trail 

I was surprised to hear that San Jose residents reduced water usage by 14% this year. We haven’t had mandatory reductions until just recently. Stupid if you ask me, but you didn’t. They merely asked for 20% at the beginning of the year. Since we are such creatures of habit and most people ignore requests that would mean changing something I was happily shocked by that number. Very glad that people are starting to take this seriously. You can see that people have been reducing their lawn watering. People are trying to do just enough to keep them from dying. My neighbors’ son washed his pick up yesterday. In a genius move, he parked it up on the front lawn so all run off would go to the lawn instead of down the driveway and into the street. Double duty that water!

Kate is voting for no more dog baths. She really wants to do her part. 

Kate sticking it to The Man

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